Moxibustion Therapy is an incredibly effective tool to combine with Acupuncture. In fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture is Zhen Jiu (or Shin Kyu in Japanese), its translation literally means “needle-moxibustion.” Using acupuncture without Moxa is thought of playing the piano with one hand. A lot of acupuncture clinics no longer use Moxa due to new regulations in buildings around ventilation. But acupuncture with moxa is absolutely necessary and strengthens the treatment exponentially.
Moxibustion therapy means that we use a smokeless Moxa which is made from a compressed herb called Artemisiae Argyi or commonly known as Chinese Mugwort. We then use the Moxa stick to heat some of the acupuncture pins (it indirectly heats up the pin, but nothing touches your skin). This form of Moxa is called indirect Moxa as there are methods where you can put the Moxa directly on the needle. We find this method the safest form.
It heats the area around the pin, the pin carries the heat into the deeper tissues and the surrounding skin gets a enhanced blood supply as it induces a gradual localized vasodilation response. The heat it gives off is very relaxing and provides a soothing and comforting feeling, patients tend to really enjoy this part! Some people feel the heat pleasantly radiate to other areas of the body releasing blocked energies.
It is a specific type of heat, it gives off infrared heat with short waves that penetrates deeper into the body. This re-stimulates selective acupuncture points and re-sends messages to your brain to further access your body's many self-healing mechanisms. In addition to these benefits, skillful indirect moxibustion is extremely comforting and can create a deep relaxation response.
Our methods are extremely gentle and allow some of our patients to fall sleep on the acupuncture table.
Please note if you have a respiratory condition we may not use Moxa. Although it is smokeless and in the past it has not typically disturbed our patients with conditions affecting the lungs such as asthma, allergies, COPD etc.